Page 10 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #35
P. 10

Governor  of  Murmansk  Oblast,  Andrey  Chibis,
                                                                                                                                             when asked to comment the idea of the Arctic Research
                                                                                                                                             and Education Center, stressed that in setting the goals
                                                                                                                                             for each specific REC, its creators are guided by the
                                                                                                                                             “growth points” available in each given oblast, and in
                                                                                                                                             case of Murmansk it’s the large, technology-intensive
                                                                                                                                             projects that will be core consumers of the REC’s re-
                                                                                                                                                “The most prominent of these projects include the
                                                                                                                                             integrated titanium dioxide smelting facility at Afrikan-
                                                                                                                                             dskoye field, Fedorova Tundra platinum refining plant,
                                                                                                                                             and the environmentally friendly metallurgical works
                                                                                                                                             to be constructed here by Norilsk Nickel – a project ex-
                                                                                                                                             pected to achieve an 85% reduction in sulfur dioxide
                                                                                                                                             emission. These are white metallurgy plants that mod-
                                                                                                                                             ern Russia is completely new to,” said Andrey Chibis.
                                                                                                                                             “And, surely, the LNG projects and those deployed in
                                                                                                                                             our area by Novatek.”
                                                                                                                                                As for Arkhangelsk Oblast and Nenets Okrug, their
                                                                                                                                             points of growth lie in shipbuilding, Arctic offshore
                                                                                                                                             mining and processing, bio-resource technologies and
                                                                                                                                             sustainable forest management.
                                                                                                                                                “Our forestry industries are showing quite positive
                                                                                                                                             performance, but we should be looking ahead. We need
                                                                                                                                             to look for new wood processing opportunities to en-
                                                                                                                                             sure that the area retains as much of added value as pos-
                                                                                                                                             sible,” Arkhangelsk Governor Alexander Tsybulsky said
                                                                                                                                             in his public lecture on Science Day. “It is very impor-
                                                                                                                                             tant that the solutions to be generated by the research
                                                                                                                                             community for our forest sector are not only commer-
                                                                                                                                             cially profitable but also give us market edge. This is
                                                                                                                                             what REC is expected to generate for other industries
                                                                                                                                             as well.”
                                                                                                                                                One of the key topics on the REC’s agenda is affores-
                                                                                                                                             tation in the Arctic. Titan Group and Arkhangelsk Pulp
                                                                                                                                             and Paper Mill have a plan to build a seedling nursery
                                         Важным направлением остается поиск, добы-  науки, прошло первое заседание Наблюдательно-            and are fully prepared to be implementing the know-  crystal diamond inserts. A series of studies into their
                                       ча и переработка природных ресурсов в Аркти-  го совета, определен состав Управляющего совета.        hows that can lead to improved genetics of their seed-  development has been recently completed by NArFU
                                       ке. И речь в этом случае не идет исключительно об   Уже  активно работает Исполнительная дирек-       lings. These know-hows are just one in a series to be   research teams.
                                       углеводородах. В Архангельской области разраба-  ция НОЦ – это те самые эксперты и специалисты,       tested: work is in process to design biodegradable seed-  Opening the 2021 series of projects is the study of
                                       тывается Павловское свинцово-цинковое место-  которые помогут бизнесу и научным структурам            ling trays that would use as their material the pulping   the White Sea algae as an ingredient for a line of nov-
                                       рождение, в Мурманском регионе – Африкандское   организовать свою работу, сформулировать про-         wastes – a solution geared towards better waste man-  el products, which is pursued by REC “Russian Arc-
                                       месторождение перовскито-титаномагнетитовых   ект и успешно реализовать его, – отмечает Елена         agement and technology-savvy seedling process.  tic: New Materials, Technologies and Research Meth-
                                       руд.  Добыча  в  сложных  условиях  требует  новых   Кудряшова. – В работе НОЦ активно принимают         “This world-class REC will be dealing mainly with   ods” in cooperation with Arkhangelsk Seaweed Factory.
                                       решений и подходов. Компании это понимают и   участие наши мурманские коллеги, представители          the offshore Arctic engineering, as can be presumed   Arkhangelsk Governor Alexander Tsybulsky proposed
                                       активно сотрудничают с научными структурами.   других регионов, предприятий. Нужно особо под-         from its agenda where shipbuilding lists as a core field   this project should be pursued as part of the strategic
                                         Для давно работающих компаний НОЦ может    черкнуть, что НОЦ – не закрытая структура, мы            of activity. We see our task in this regard as develop-  theme “Human life in the Arctic and health-saving
                                       стать площадкой инновационного развития – так,   открыты для сотрудничества, совместной работы        ing technologies and materials for maritime operations,   technologies”.
                                       АО «АГД Даймондс» выступило партнером в про-  в интересах освоения Арктики.                           surface ships, and underwater vessels for operation in   “There are enough project ideas
                                       екте по созданию в Архангельске производства                                                          high latitudes. And here we are helped by the United   that can form part of this theme and
                                       уникальных монокристаллических алмазных пла-    Growth points                                         Shipbuilding Corporation,” says Elena Kudryashova.   be contributed by NArFU, NSMU
                                       стин. Ученые САФУ уже провели ряд исследований                                                                                                      and  Arkhangelsk  Seaweed  Facto-  АО «АГД Даймондс» выступило
                                       в этом направлении.                             One world-class research and education center is the     Traditions and innovations                 ry when it comes to White Sea al-  партнером в проекте по
                                         Среди «первенцев» НОЦ «Российская Арктика:   “Russian Arctic: New Materials, Technologies and Re-                                                 gae and algae-based product devel-  созданию в Архангельске
                                       новые материалы, технологии и методы исследова-  search Methods”, hosted by Northern (Arctic) Federal    Alongside with innovative maritime technologies   opment to benefit the people living
                                       ния» в 2021 году можно отметить проекты науч-  University in Arkhangelsk. The center has 35 members   for the Arctic, REC has its focus on maintaining the   here in the north,” said the gover-  производства уникальных
                                       ных исследований водорослей Белого моря и мо-  including Bauman Moscow State Technical Universi-      traditions of wooden shipbuilding. Its two projects –   nor. “On the research side, I would   монокристаллических
                                       дернизации производства продукции на их основе   ty, MEPhI, MISIS, St. Petersburg Polytechnic Univer-  Pomor Koch and Northern Shipyard – aim to recreate   particularly focus on child nutrition   алмазных пластин
                                       совместно с Архангельским водорослевым комби-  sity, and the I. V. Gorynin Central Research Institute of   two ship designs, koch and karbass, with a thousand-  and baby food, which is – and that’s
                                       натом. Работу над этим проектом губернатор Ар-  Structural Materials «”Prometey”, National Research   year-long history. There’s scientific interest involved:   a research-based fact – nutrient-de-  AGD Diamonds acts as partner to
                                       хангельской области Александр Цыбульский пред-  Center – Kurchatov Institute, Murmansk State Univer-  since koch and karbass are wooden, and hence non-  ficient and will only benefit from the   a project to set up in Arkhangelsk
                                       ложил проводить в рамках стратегической темы   sity of Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences’ Kola   magnetic, they can be used for some unique research   minerals and micronutrients con-  the production of unique single-
                                       «Жизнь человека в Арктике и здоровьесберегаю-  Research Center, RAS Ural Branch N. P. Laverov Fed-    purposes in the Arctic waters. Plus, their increased ma-  tained in White Sea algae in large
                                       щие технологии».                             eral Research Center for Comprehensive Arctic Studies,   neuverability makes these two small boat designs a bet-  quantities.”          crystal diamond inserts
                                         – Насытить ее уже можно совместными про-   Northern State Medical University. But above all, it has   ter choice than their larger counterparts on expeditions   Negotiations for more projects
                                       ектами САФУ, СГМУ и Архангельского водорос-  among its members the companies that are already op-     when there’s shuga ice.                       in this areas are already underway.
                                       левого  комбината  по  изучению  беломорских  во-  erating in the Arctic and are planning to expand their   Another important line of work is exploration,   “Russian Arctic REC is tuning itself up. Its Super-
          SOZVEZDYE #35                дорослей, расширению производства и внедрению   presence there.                                       production and processing of Arctic mineral resourc-  visory Board has just had its first meeting on February   SOZVEZDYE #35
                                       в повседневную  жизнь  северян  инновационных   “As a project, every world-class REC is tailored to   es and these include not only hydrocarbons. Arkhan-  8, the Day of Russian Science, and the Steering Board
                                       продуктов, разработанных учеными и технолога-  the needs of its region and unfolds through a series of   gelsk Oblast is developing Pavlovsky lead-zinc field, and   has formed its membership just recently. But its execu-
          наука                        ми, – отметил губернатор. – Я бы особо акценти-  capital-intensive investment projects with involvement   Murmansk Oblast Afrikandsky deposit of perovskite   tive team are already working intensively – they are the   наука
          science                      ровал внимание на теме детского питания, которое   of businesses, authorities, schools and research teams,”   titanium-magnetite ores. Challenged by harsh climatic   very people with the knowledge and expertise needed   science
                                       требует (и это доказывают исследования) дополни-
                                                                                    says Elena Kudryashova, Rector of the Northern (Arc-
                                                                                                                                                                                           to link businesses and researchers together to formu-
                                                                                                                                             conditions, the mining industry calls for new solutions
                                       тельного обогащения минералами и микроэлемен-  tic) Federal University. “And like any other technology   and approaches, leading the companies to actively co-  late and get the projects off the ground,” says Elena Ku-
                                       тами, которыми так богаты водоросли Белого моря.  intensive project, RECs must be manned with appro-  operate with research organizations.          dryashova. “We have been joined for REC projects by
                                         В ближайшее время появятся дополнительные   priate personnel (experts in a class of their own). They   For long-established companies, REC can become   our colleagues in Murmansk and other parts of Russia.
                                       проекты в этом направлении.                  must have scientific support, and, undoubtedly, produce   a platform for innovation-driven growth. To give one   Importantly, REC isn’t a closed agency. We are open for
           8                             – Сегодня НОЦ «Российская Арктика» орга-   their target deliverables - intellectual property assets or   example, AGD Diamonds acts as partner to a project to   cooperation and looking forward to joining efforts to-  9
                                       низует свою работу. 8 февраля, в День российской   material products.”                                set up in Arkhangelsk the production of unique single-  wards Arctic development.”
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